martes, 2 de agosto de 2011


Traducción por Patwant Kaur

Sanar el enojo por medio del mantra

¿Estás enojado?  
¿Tu jefe, tus hijos, el chico que te dejó de verdad te hicieron enojar?
¿Necesitas algo de yoga breve y rápida para el enojo? Yogui Bhajan dio este remedio simple para sanar el enojo:

Acuérdate de una vez en la que hayas estado muy enojado (o esta vez) y conéctate con este sentimiento de enojo y de querer arremeter contra  alguien. Conscientemente enójate y después siéntate por 11 minutos y canta “Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru, Wahejio”.

Cuando tu lengua toque el paladar estimulará los puntos meridianos que afectan el tálamo y te calmarás. El poder sagrado de las palabras cambiará tu estado emocional.  ¡Este yoga rápido para trabajar en el enojo funciona a la maravilla! ¡Pruébala!


Mantra: Wahe Guru Wahe Jio

Complete Mantra:

Wha-hay guroo wha-hay guroo
wha-hay guroo wha-hay jeeo


Language: Gurmukhi - Author: Guru Ram Das, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs


Wahe Guru- Great Beyond description is the experience of God's Wisdom
Wahe Jio- Great Beyond Description is the experience of God Blessing the Soul

More Information:
This is a mantra of ecstasy.  Wahe Guru is said to not only be the experience of the divine, but also impart the experience of the divine.  Jio is said to impart an affectionate relationship to/with the divine.  
Yogi Bhajan said that this mantra means "clear perception of what is important to preserve" and that it "links the essence of your purpose to the greater minds and souls in the cosmos."
  It is one of the "Aquarian Sadhana" mantra's and can be found on any 3HO sadhana CD.

Snatam Kaur speaks on Wahe Guru Jio...(
“One of the mantras from the Sikh tradition that has really been with me and I sing a lot is Wahe Guru. Wa means ecstasy or bliss like, wow, and he means it’s here and now. It’s real. It is. The essence of Guru means from darkness to light. And so it really means an experience of bliss, experiencing the One and moving from that space of darkness to light. Jio is very beautiful because it means soul. So you say Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru and then Wahe Jio and you bring the experience into the touchstone of your soul.
What about a novice who can’t even read Sanskrit yet?
“Even if your pronunciation isn’t so great…to have them in you and to have that realization is the most powerful thing. For example…if I’m in a stuck in a security line in the airport…there’s that split second when I can say, “Oh s-h-i-t,” or I can say, “Oh, Wahe Guru.” The whole idea behind these sacred chants, in my view, is when that moment of pressure comes, you say Wahe Guru. Then they are the temples. They become the sacred being. They are that magic that people go all the way to India seeking.”

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